Tuesday, October 13, 2009

9 characteristics of portfolios

9 characteristics of portfolios

1. collection: showcases portfolios validity presents you more than a single piece of writing range of performance diff. genres for areas of expertise

2. range: ability to use diff. genres

3. context richness: assumes writers bring experiences with them no artificiality the portfolio reflects what you learned

4. delayed evaluation: can go back and revise your work

5. selection: allows you to think about what you can use in the portfolio and explicate the quality of your work

6. student centered control: the students ability to control what you put in the portfolio

7. reflection and self assessment: annotations forces you to return to texts and analyze most important what and how need to develop

8. goes along specific parameters: able to ask specific questions

9. development over time: able to view work over time instead of static sitting like a midterm

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